Friday, November 12, 2010


Today has been a hard day, I got up late, I rushed to work and I had a lot of work to do in the first half of work, I had just 15 minutes for lunch after which I had to sit through two amazingly, mind numbingly boring meetings. About what? I have no clue. Thats the update on my end.
Anyways, todays Nablopomo(National blog posting month for the uninitiated) question of the day was what was the biggest sacrifice I had made for somebody and if it was worth it? Well let me just say, I believe that we have to live life for others. As in, what is the point of being a human being if you cannot help others? It is our fundamental duty as human beings to be of assistance to others, if it is within our capability. Seeing a smile on another person's face and knowing that you are responsible for it, is an amazing feeling.
Having said that, I don't think I can go out of my way to help someone. Its like, in my opinion asking an aneamic person to donate blood. I know it was a bad symbolism but hey, you get the point right? Coming to the point of this post, I don't believe in sacrifices, heck nature does not believe in sacrifices. Theory of evolution? Survival of the fittest? Its the simplest of concepts but hey, its still applicable right? More so in today's corporate world and competitive atmosphere where winning is everything. Yeah I know I'm sounding like Viru Sahasrabuddhe straight out of three idiots but essentially he wasn't totally wrong. Man, though he is a social animal essentially lives for himself. That is a non negetable truth. It would be escapism if you said, Hey no I'd do go out of my way to ensure that my friend gets that job, I mean come on, if both of you are equally qualified, why don't you want the job? Secondly even if your friend was more qualified, where is your fighting spirit? Don't you want to fight it till in the end?
Humanity is yet a different thing. It is our fundamental duty as humans to help others. I think the world would be a much better place if we accepted that. Tolerance,charity, giving these are not spiritual concepts but humanitarian. We don't live in an egalitarian society, we were never raised that way. Do or die fight or flight... these are the lines we were raised on. So what meaning does sacrifice have? In love? Sacrificing yourself in the name of love, requited or unrequited is just escapism. Sacrificing your happiness because somebody else can be happy? I don't think so. There is adjustment, there is compliance in relationships but there is no sacrifice. Plus, do you think your sacrifice would go down well with the other persons conscience? If you talk about the "sacrifices" your parents have made, thats not the right word. They were performing their duty else trying to let nothing stand in your way so that they could realise their goals through you.
Again saying that, a complicated thing this love is. Its an emotion quite different from the other? How you ask? This is the only emotion which allows you to diplay a wide range of emotions in a go. Happiness, sadness, anger, passion,insanity... all towards a person you are bound to in the name of love.
Hmm now I am confused. Looks like I'm having contrasting views on the same subject again. Sigh!